Local cricket club has new sights set on accreditation

We’re pleased to support Martham Cricket Club, with lightweight and moveable sight screens, to help them improve their facilities.


The small village cricket club has two first teams and a thriving youth set-up for the under 9s, under 11s and under 13s. The club plays an important part in the local community, with training and playing at Martham Playing Field, and sharing its changing rooms with local Martham Football Teams.

The club is working hard to achieve ECB Clubmark accreditation, to show the club is ‘sustainable, well run and provides the right environment for its members.’ It also means the ‘club is recognised as a safe, rewarding and fulfilling place for participants of all ages, as well as assuring parents and carers that they are choosing the right option for their young people.’ The England and Wales Cricket Board

The grant will be used to replace sight screens which were damaged in high winds and, as a condition in achieving ECB Clubmark accreditation, the club is replacing the screens with new moveable and lightweight sight screens.


We wish Martham Cricket Club every success for the future and look forward to seeing their progress along the way.

For the latest news on Martham Cricket Club, follow on Facebook and Twitter

If you are part of an amazing sport or leisure team and would like to apply for up to £500 of funding, we are taking applications for awarding in September 2021.