football kit

Great Yarmouth Girls Football

With the success of England’s The Lionesses, we are seeing huge leaps and bounds in female football. We are therefore incredibly excited to announce that our latest approved funding will be going to Yarmouth Football Club, a new girls football club to promote the women’s and girl’s game; increasing opportunities for younger girls to get active in the Great Yarmouth area. With weekly training and participation in a competitive league they are a very exciting endeavour we look forward to supporting.

Despite being relatively new they already have 14 players signed up and 5 committed committee members!

The funding will allow the club to purchase new training equipment for their weekly training sessions. Fundamentally, this will not only support the needs of the start up but boost the quality of training the girls undertake. The planned purchase list includes cones, bibs, balls and a new training software called ‘dribble up’, which is a fun and interactive way of developing ball skills!

“Having the money to invest in training facilities allows us to attract more local young people as we can provide high quality football coaching that is engaging and specific to their needs. With the equipment that we intend to buy, we will be able to run activities involving more people as we will have more balls or more cones to mark out a larger number of work zones. It also gives our members a sense of pride in their club as we will be able to provide facilities that other clubs offer.

Lastly, it will allow us to continue to grow our coaching team as we can offer the tools most coaches look for when joining a club. This in turn will help us to achieve a club development plan and continue to strengthen the quality of coaching that we offer at our club,” said Glen Joyce, Chairman.

We can’t wait to see what these girls achieve, and we are so excited that our funding will have such an impact on their club, giving them stepping-stone needed to continue developing and to maintain maximum engagement with their members who are all aged 9-12 years of age.

If you are part of an amazing sports team and would like to apply for up to £500 of funding, then we are taking applications for awarding in February 2020.

Stock image: Pexels

Stock image: Pexels

Grant Provides Football kits for Southtown Primary School

New Football kits for Southtown Primary School

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We are pleased to share one of our latest grant recipients, Southtown primary school. A primary school with 220 pupils in need of funding for football kit.

They applied successfully for funding from Great Yarmouth Sport and Leisure Trust to go towards new football kit for children in all sizes and for all years.

By applying for funding, the school would be able to provide enough kit in various sizes to fit all year groups.

We know from many of our grant applications (and wider research) the importance of kit bringing a team together to create equality on the playing field. It negates the need for labels and unifies the team, hopefully bringing more fun, more drive and more community in their sports endeavours.

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Importantly the kits would promote self-esteem, confidence and social skills. Not only this but in their application, they also noted the fundamental importance of the kit allowing the school and pupils to have more participation in competitions and inter-school events, opening the opportunity to all age ranges; meaning the fund will benefit other people in the community, as it gives all children a chance to play.

Nuno in Year 4 said: “We feel proud to represent our school in our new kits.  We all looked smart and it made us play better!” and Oliver in Year 6 said “It makes a difference when we are all dressed the same and I really like having numbers on our backs like professional players.” GOOD LUCK SOUTHTOWN PRIMARY SCHOOL FOOTBALLERS! 

You can follow Southtown’s sporting endeavours via their website and Twitter @southtownschool

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Hopton CE Primary School on the Path to Team Spirit!


Hopton CE Primary School PTA work hard throughout the year to raise vital funds for their school. The children were playing football matches in their PE kit, and it was felt that funding for proper kit would encourage those who don't participate in sport to do so outside of school hours. Some families can't commit to rigid training and games being held at the weekends. These children would have the opportunity of belonging to a school team, and the proper kits would help achieve this.

Great Yarmouth Sport and Leisure Trust approved the application, and the team are already playing in their new kit! Mr Petersen from the school said:

"The difference a football kit can make...

This year Hopton CE Primary Academy decided to enter the local Y6 football league to give our children more opportunities to work as a team and to compete against other local schools. We wanted to expand our sports provision and give children a chance to shine in an environment outside of the classroom.

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Competing in our first game, we turned up in our PE kit, some of which was school branded, some of which was not. When seeing that our opponents all had a team kit, it was visibly clear that the children already felt defeated. Having a football kit with the school badge would give the children an identity and make them proud to represent our school. It will bring them closer together and level the playing field before the game.

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Since having the football kits, the 'buzz' around football games is palpable with children so keen to know which number they are going to have and where they are going to play. The children look so smart, and it has made a difference in their confidence and sense of belonging." Mr Petersend, Year 6 Teacher, Hopton Primary School.

If your club or group is in the borough of Great Yarmouth and needs seed funding, please enquire about funding for kit, equipment or other costs, we may be able to help.