kids sport

10 reasons why basketball is such a beneficial sport!

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Basketball is a team sport played widely across the globe and one of the most viewed. It consists of 2 teams of five active players looking to score points against one another by throwing a ball through a 10 foot high hoop, or basket. It can be played indoors and out and the size of court, height of the basket and length of game-play can all vary according to the age and skill level of the players!

1.      As a fast moving game, it involves dribbling, defence, rebounding and shooting meaning its incredibly active, fun and an amazing workout

2.      An hour of basketball can burn up to 750 calories, and while its stop-start nature means it isn’t considered aerobic it’s a big workout to play a game whether serious or fun

3.      It improves balance and co-ordination

4.      Builds up muscle

5.      Builds up endurance

6.      As with all team sports it develops self-discipline

It’s a fantastic sport for kids and as well as being a great way to stay fit it can:

7.      Help build friendships and teach the importance of being a team player

8.      Can be played by everyone – all ages and abilities

9.      It’s an all year sport because it can be played indoors and outdoors

10.  You don’t need a full team to play – you can enjoy basketball alone (just you and a hoop!) or with two people practising dribbling and defence. Although an official game requires 10, we say the more the merrier for a fun summer activity!

Getting started with basketball

Check out your local sports centres in Great Yarmouth and associations for information on how to join a team or start your own. You can always get in contact with us to point you in the right direction.

 If you are already part of a team and would like to apply for up to £500 of funding, then we are taking applications for awarding in November 2019.


Grant Provides Football kits for Southtown Primary School

New Football kits for Southtown Primary School

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We are pleased to share one of our latest grant recipients, Southtown primary school. A primary school with 220 pupils in need of funding for football kit.

They applied successfully for funding from Great Yarmouth Sport and Leisure Trust to go towards new football kit for children in all sizes and for all years.

By applying for funding, the school would be able to provide enough kit in various sizes to fit all year groups.

We know from many of our grant applications (and wider research) the importance of kit bringing a team together to create equality on the playing field. It negates the need for labels and unifies the team, hopefully bringing more fun, more drive and more community in their sports endeavours.

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Importantly the kits would promote self-esteem, confidence and social skills. Not only this but in their application, they also noted the fundamental importance of the kit allowing the school and pupils to have more participation in competitions and inter-school events, opening the opportunity to all age ranges; meaning the fund will benefit other people in the community, as it gives all children a chance to play.

Nuno in Year 4 said: “We feel proud to represent our school in our new kits.  We all looked smart and it made us play better!” and Oliver in Year 6 said “It makes a difference when we are all dressed the same and I really like having numbers on our backs like professional players.” GOOD LUCK SOUTHTOWN PRIMARY SCHOOL FOOTBALLERS! 

You can follow Southtown’s sporting endeavours via their website and Twitter @southtownschool

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Can you boost sporting chances in Great Yarmouth?

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A recent Sport England survey, the largest ever of its kind, gives comprehensive insight into how children in England are taking part in sport and physical activity, both in and out of school.

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3 million children (43.3%) lead active lives, however of that group, only 1.2 million (17.5%) are meeting the Chief Medical Officer’s guidelines of more than 60 minutes of activity a day, every day of the week.

Sport England Tim Hollingsworth said, “I am calling for a national focus on the health and wellbeing of our nation’s children and for the whole system to be united in delivering change. Our children deserve better and Sport England is determined to play its part,” he said.

“Parents, schools, the sport and leisure industry and government all have a role to play in addressing and increasing childhood activity.”

Are you trying to set up a sports club for children? Please see if you’re eligible for up to £500 funding from us here