sports funding

New security measures installed at Martham Football Club

It’s great to see the new dugouts at Martham village football club. Funding from the Trust went towards securing the playing ground and making security improvements, as the dug outs now have steel doors.

Football is important in the community as it brings people together in the community.

You can follow their progress on Twitter.

If you are part of a fantastic team in our borough and would like to apply for up to £500 of funding, we are taking applications for awarding in February 2021.

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Spartans Amateur Boxing Club receives funding boost to support young boxers


We know sports clubs play a vital role in their community - not only do they help to unite different groups of people; they provide an escape from everyday life. A boxing group in Great Yarmouth is leading the way with this as it engages members in physical activity and supports young people who need self-confidence to deal with anti-social behaviour. Only opening in 2018, they already have 3 title winners under their belts!

We are thrilled to announce we have awarded funding to the wonderful boxing club the Spartans ABC. The grant was used to purchase specialist equipment that allows them to compete to required AIBA equipment standards. These items will allow all their boxers to compete at the highest level and at national boxing events.


“The funding will buy boxing gloves and head-guards so more members can be involved in boxing shows.”

“The funding is a fantastic contribution to the club as it will be spent on extra equipment for the ever-growing number of young children joining Spartans ABC. We have a large number of enthusiastic, talented and aspiring young boxers and the funding will buy boxing gloves and head-guards so more members can be involved in boxing shows which we actively participate in on a weekly basis, across the country,” said coach Tony Norman.

If you are part of an amazing sports team and would like to apply for up to £500 of funding, then we are taking applications for awarding in February 2020.

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East Norfolk Sixth Form receives funding for basketball teams branded kit

East Norfolk Sixth Form College is trying to grow the Basketball Club to provide additional sporting provision for students at the college. They currently have between 12-15 students who regularly take part in Basketball training sessions.

A new grant provided by the Trust is for new branded kit as the team are now playing in regular fixtures, but only have an old very limited basketball kit. The grant will also help to provide the team with new balls for matches and training sessions. This means the small team can grow this year as the new equipment and kit will help to recruit new players.  

Max, one of the players said: “We are thrilled to receive a new kit and can’t wait for our fixtures to start!”

If you are part of an amazing sports team and would like to apply for up to £500 of funding, then we are taking applications for awarding in November 2019.

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Grant Provides Football kits for Southtown Primary School

New Football kits for Southtown Primary School

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We are pleased to share one of our latest grant recipients, Southtown primary school. A primary school with 220 pupils in need of funding for football kit.

They applied successfully for funding from Great Yarmouth Sport and Leisure Trust to go towards new football kit for children in all sizes and for all years.

By applying for funding, the school would be able to provide enough kit in various sizes to fit all year groups.

We know from many of our grant applications (and wider research) the importance of kit bringing a team together to create equality on the playing field. It negates the need for labels and unifies the team, hopefully bringing more fun, more drive and more community in their sports endeavours.

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Importantly the kits would promote self-esteem, confidence and social skills. Not only this but in their application, they also noted the fundamental importance of the kit allowing the school and pupils to have more participation in competitions and inter-school events, opening the opportunity to all age ranges; meaning the fund will benefit other people in the community, as it gives all children a chance to play.

Nuno in Year 4 said: “We feel proud to represent our school in our new kits.  We all looked smart and it made us play better!” and Oliver in Year 6 said “It makes a difference when we are all dressed the same and I really like having numbers on our backs like professional players.” GOOD LUCK SOUTHTOWN PRIMARY SCHOOL FOOTBALLERS! 

You can follow Southtown’s sporting endeavours via their website and Twitter @southtownschool

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Hopton CE Primary School on the Path to Team Spirit!


Hopton CE Primary School PTA work hard throughout the year to raise vital funds for their school. The children were playing football matches in their PE kit, and it was felt that funding for proper kit would encourage those who don't participate in sport to do so outside of school hours. Some families can't commit to rigid training and games being held at the weekends. These children would have the opportunity of belonging to a school team, and the proper kits would help achieve this.

Great Yarmouth Sport and Leisure Trust approved the application, and the team are already playing in their new kit! Mr Petersen from the school said:

"The difference a football kit can make...

This year Hopton CE Primary Academy decided to enter the local Y6 football league to give our children more opportunities to work as a team and to compete against other local schools. We wanted to expand our sports provision and give children a chance to shine in an environment outside of the classroom.

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Competing in our first game, we turned up in our PE kit, some of which was school branded, some of which was not. When seeing that our opponents all had a team kit, it was visibly clear that the children already felt defeated. Having a football kit with the school badge would give the children an identity and make them proud to represent our school. It will bring them closer together and level the playing field before the game.

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Since having the football kits, the 'buzz' around football games is palpable with children so keen to know which number they are going to have and where they are going to play. The children look so smart, and it has made a difference in their confidence and sense of belonging." Mr Petersend, Year 6 Teacher, Hopton Primary School.

If your club or group is in the borough of Great Yarmouth and needs seed funding, please enquire about funding for kit, equipment or other costs, we may be able to help.

More than 40% of children and young people lead active lives


Sport England have published the results of a survey which shows that around 3 million children (43.3%) lead active lives, however of that group, only 1.2 million (17.5%) are meeting the Chief Medical Officer’s guidelines of more than 60 minutes of activity a day, every day of the week.

Sports Minister Mims Davies said: "While it is encouraging that 3 million children do at least an average of 60 minutes of sport or physical activity every day, the number of young people who are not doing enough is simply unacceptable.

"We know that an active child is a happier child and efforts must be stepped up to encourage young people to live healthy, active lives and I know that Sport England are committed to making progress in this area.  

"Our School Sport and Activity Action Plan will also ensure that all children have access to quality PE, sport sessions and clubs. Together with the sport sector, parents and our local communities, we must build a comprehensive and cross Government offer to create a truly active nation."

Public Health England's head of diet, obesity and physical activity, Dr Alison Tedstone, added: “Physical activity is crucial for good physical and mental health of children and young people - this work is a timely reminder for everyone to do more to help them be more active.”  

We’re seeking teams, clubs and individuals in the borough of Great Yarmouth who need funding to help get or keep us active. Please spread the word.

Winterton playing field on it's way to new changing rooms

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The changing rooms at Winterton Playing Field are not fit for purpose and don’t meet current sports club standards. We’ve supported the Parish Council by providing a £500 grant to help kick start the Playing Field Development Project. The money is for architectural preliminary drawings and detailed plans for a new building which will be used as changing facilities, refreshments and storage.

The plans will help:

  • the village see what’s intended

  • assist in further fundraising activity

  • and will help get planning permission. 

These new facilities will help the playing field get used a lot more. The Cricket Club there is already catering for adults and young people, with womens, girls, mens and boys teams. A Croquet Club is developing and regular events such as Dune Runners, walking groups and local schools use the field. We’re really happy to support Winterton - if you can help their fundraising efforts too, they would appreciate that!

New Equipment for East Norfolk Gymnastics Club

East Norfolk Gymnastics Group

East Norfolk Gymnastics Group


We're thrilled to have been able to push East Norfolk Gymnastics Club up to the funding amount they needed to buy new equipment.

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They're a community-based gymnastics club, teaching both boys and girls from the age of 5 up to 18 years old. They have 75 members and a waiting list of over 200 (that's how amazing they are!).

The funding we've contributed to will help buy a new set of asymmetrical bars. The current bars are over 20 years old and unable to be adjusted which they need to be able to do.

The new equipment will help the gymnasts to perform greater skills and linking moves between the bars with greater confidence, which will help them when they compete in competitions.  It will help with confidence as currently the gymnasts are afraid to move from the low bar to the high bar in competitions as the width of competition bars is far greater than the current bars allow. 

Don Cathy said, “As a small club, trying to raise over £2500 is a huge undertaking and without the help from the Trust this would not have been possible. The new asymmetrical bars will enable our members to learn new skills, which will enable them to enter more  competitions, many thanks from all at the club.”

If your club or group is in the borough of Great Yarmouth, please enquire about funding for kit, equipment or other costs, we may be able to help.

#runandtalk in more areas in the Great Yarmouth Borough

NORSUF RG at Gorleston Cliffs parkrun

NORSUF RG at Gorleston Cliffs parkrun

Thai Chi provides a no cost activity called Run Together NORSUF Running Group, which was established in May 2017. During that time, 154 people have registered and walked/run with the group for free.

Trevor Rawson is the only volunteer Group and Run Leader. He facilitates two free sessions per week limited to a max 16 people per session. The group could expand if there are more volunteer leaders but they have to be trained and licenced. With two additional leaders the group size could increase and additional weekly sessions could be offered, helping more people to get out and run.

We have awarded funding so they can train two volunteer Run Leaders.  This will help open up more opportunities to join the group over a wider area around the borough.

Trevor says, “Established in 2016 NORSUF Running Group is a free and friendly welcoming environment for new runners. You do not have to be a runner or achieve any standard to join; everyone takes part their way. Receiving funding from Great Yarmouth Sport and Leisure Trust will allow us to train two additional volunteer Run Leaders for our Group. They will go on to conduct their own sessions welcoming more people to an activity that can, with regular practice be life changing. As an England Athletics Coach and Mental Health Champion I have seen some fantastic personal and physical achievements by our members. #Runandtalk”.

Success Stories for Local Groups

Left to right: Ben Flaxman from Shrublands JFC, Andrew Grant and Graham Plant, board members of Great Yarmouth Sport and Leisure Trust, and Alan Pearce Chairman of Caister Football Club. Photograph by David Woodcock. - Missing is a representative fr…

Left to right: Ben Flaxman from Shrublands JFC, Andrew Grant and Graham Plant, board members of Great Yarmouth Sport and Leisure Trust, and Alan Pearce Chairman of Caister Football Club. Photograph by David Woodcock. - Missing is a representative from Revolutionary Roots.

We’re really pleased that funds totalling £1500.00 have been awarded to three local groups this Autumn by the Great Yarmouth Sport and Leisure Trust. The Trust would like everyone in the borough of Great Yarmouth, regardless of age, background, or level of ability to be involved in sport and physical activity. 

This grass roots funding is for groups and individuals who help support some of the least active people in the borough, as well as maintaining facilities for those already active.

The three groups are:

Caister FC

Caister Football Club has received an extra boost to its attempts to improve their playing field which is in poor repair as it is not maintained well enough, with a £500 award. 

A spokesperson from the club said: “This grant will allow the football pitches to be used by more teams and help the club to continue growing in size, allowing people across all ages, genders and ability the opportunity to participate in grass roots football nearer to home (adult sides are currently paying to train elsewhere). It will also help other groups who use the field (cricket club, scouts and the general public), as well as giving new teams access.“

Shrublands JFC

Shrubland JFC are a Gorleston youth football club with 200+ members including one of a few girls teams in the area. They attract age groups of 3-16 and are very much a community club. Facing broken or ageing equipment and kits, they reached out and applied for funds towards new sports equipment including goals, cones, bibs, and balls, new kit, and trophies for younger members of the club. Kirk Towers from the club said, “Fantastic investment into our club means we can replace old kit with new, we can’t thank you enough”.

Revolutionary Roots

Revolutionary Roots is a Youth and Community Group working on various projects across the borough of Great Yarmouth. The group applied to the Trust for funds towards sports equipment which will aid holistically against substance abuse, anti-social behaviour and criminal activity. 

Heidi Garwood says “This grant will give our service users and young people in the community the opportunity to be involved with sport and physical activity as a constructive activity. This will also have a positive effect on the wider community with less boredom and anti-social behaviour, and instead empowerment towards personal development.”

As a registered charity, our purpose is to benefit the public in the borough of Great Yarmouth.  Maybe you’re a club or an individual that needs new equipment. Perhaps you’re a coach or a teacher wanting to start a group and you need kit, or marketing costs supported. We’re also very keen to help groups who are historically not participating in sport to get involved. Please see our online criteria form to check eligibility. Good luck!

Can you boost sporting chances in Great Yarmouth?

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A recent Sport England survey, the largest ever of its kind, gives comprehensive insight into how children in England are taking part in sport and physical activity, both in and out of school.

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3 million children (43.3%) lead active lives, however of that group, only 1.2 million (17.5%) are meeting the Chief Medical Officer’s guidelines of more than 60 minutes of activity a day, every day of the week.

Sport England Tim Hollingsworth said, “I am calling for a national focus on the health and wellbeing of our nation’s children and for the whole system to be united in delivering change. Our children deserve better and Sport England is determined to play its part,” he said.

“Parents, schools, the sport and leisure industry and government all have a role to play in addressing and increasing childhood activity.”

Are you trying to set up a sports club for children? Please see if you’re eligible for up to £500 funding from us here

New kit for Shrublands Under 14s Reds

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Look closer and you can see the Great Yarmouth Sport and Leisure Trust logo on this brilliant team of under 14s at the Shrublands Football Club in Gorleston. “Fantastic investment into our club meaning we can replace old kit with new, we can't thank you enough” said the clubs spokesperson.

We are unbelievably proud to see this photo - if you’re a club needing a bit of extra help, please get in touch!

Can you help disabled people get active in Great Yarmouth and the Surrounds?


Research by Activity Alliance has shown that disabled people are twice as likely to be inactive as non-disabled people, but 70 per cent of disabled people want to be more active.

Psychological barriers play the biggest role in preventing disabled people from taking part in sports, however seven out of ten disabled people WANT to be more active. One in five people in Britain have an impairment - that's 11.5m disabled people.

Having an active lifestyle can have many advantages. Regular physical exercise provides social benefits and mental health improvements, including:

  • Increased independence
  • A reduction in stress
  • A boost in self esteem
  • Enhanced co-ordination
  • Better strengthened balance

We can't find many opportunities in our area on the Active Alliance website - can you set up a club or a group in the borough of Great Yarmouth?

With Disability Awareness Day around the corner (July 15), now is the time to apply for your funding - the application form is here. Please get involved!

Information sourced from Active Alliance website.