sport england

Can you boost sporting chances in Great Yarmouth?

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A recent Sport England survey, the largest ever of its kind, gives comprehensive insight into how children in England are taking part in sport and physical activity, both in and out of school.

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3 million children (43.3%) lead active lives, however of that group, only 1.2 million (17.5%) are meeting the Chief Medical Officer’s guidelines of more than 60 minutes of activity a day, every day of the week.

Sport England Tim Hollingsworth said, “I am calling for a national focus on the health and wellbeing of our nation’s children and for the whole system to be united in delivering change. Our children deserve better and Sport England is determined to play its part,” he said.

“Parents, schools, the sport and leisure industry and government all have a role to play in addressing and increasing childhood activity.”

Are you trying to set up a sports club for children? Please see if you’re eligible for up to £500 funding from us here